As a representative of Informatika company, dr. Andrej Bregar was very active in media and at professional events in the fields of information technology, energy, cyber security, operational research, management science and knowledge economy throughout Q2 of year 2021.
He participated at several prominent international and national professional and scientific conferences and appeared in some Slovenian journals.
He was a panellist at the round table »Resilience of our organisations – 2nd part«, which was organised by the Institute for Corporative Security Studies (ICS) on May 6th as a part of the 12th international conference Days of Corporate Security. The video recording of the round table discussion is available on ICS’ YouTube channel or on the link.
Glas gospodarstva journal, which is published monthly by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, published an interview with dr. Bregar in the special June issue, which was specifically dedicated to the energy utilities sector with an emphasis on the analysis of its business performance. Dr. Andrej Bregar discussed how to sistematically and thoroughly implement cyber security mechanisms and processes in the sector of critical (electricity) energy infrastructure.
He was a speaker at the international scientific conference GDN 2021 (21st International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation), which was organised by the Ryerson University from Toronto, Canada, and was held on-line form June 6th to June 10th. His lecture was entitled »Distributed blockchains for smart contracting in multiple criteria negotiation processes – with applications for the energy sector«. More information can be found on the website.
Dr. Bregar also spoke at the international scientific conference TAKE 2021 (Conference on Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy), which was organised by the UPT university (Universidade Portucalense) from Porto, Portugal, and was held on-line between July 7th and 9th. He presented the paper entitled »A cooperative business model for self-sustaining smart grids«. More information is available on the website.
He was a speaker at the international scientific conference EURO 2021 (31st European Conference on Operational Research), which was organised from July 11th to July 14th in Athens, Greece by the European Association of Operational Research Society (EURO) and was hosted by the University of West Attica. EURO is the largest and most important conference on Operational Research and Management Science (OR/MS) in Europe, where over 2000 participants from over 70 countries annually gather to share the latest scientific developments in the area. Dr. Andrej Bregar presented the paper from the field of decision support systems entitled »Consolidation of criteria weights and veto related preference structures in multi-attribute utility models for sorting«. More information is available on the website.
Dr. Bregar also spoke at the international scientific conference IWoMCDM’21 (International Workshop on Multiple Criteria Decision Making), which was organised on-line by the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. he gave a lecture from the field of decision support systems entitled »Experimental evaluation of multi-attribute utility models for sorting incorporating veto«. Additional information may be found on the conference website