Dr. Bregar at DSI 2022 conference
The conference Dnevi slovenske informatike (Days of Slovenian Informatics) 2022 took place on 11 and 12 May in Portorož. Dr. Andrej Bregar has been lecturing at the conference for 20 years, and at this year’s event he participated with the paper Decision Support...
Moj elektro & SI-PASS
Since the end of September, users of the Moj elektro portal are also able to log in via a single point for verifying the identity of various users, the SI-PASS system. This upgrade significantly contributes to the accessibility of the portal content, especially for...
The transformation of the company from joint stock to limited liability company
Joint stock company INFORMATIKA informacijske storitve in inženiring d.d. (in short: INFORMATIKA d.d.) was transformed into a limited liability company. The change entered into force on August 5th, 2021. The new company name: INFORMATIKA informacijske...
Conferences and media appearances
As a representative of Informatika company, dr. Andrej Bregar was very active in media and at professional events in the fields of information technology, energy, cyber security, operational research, management science and knowledge economy throughout Q2 of year...
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