Also this year, we successfully renewed the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certificates
At INFORMATIKA, we strive to constantly improve business processes in order to provide the best possible services for our clients and the highest possible level of security of information and information systems, both ours and those of our subscribers. Our efforts in...
Informatika achieved Platinum Creditworhiness status third year in a row
Družba Informatika d.o.o. je tudi letos, že tretje leto zapored, prejemnica certifikata Platinaste bonitete odličnosti, ki ga podeljuje mednarodna analitična hiša Dun & Bradstreet. Again this year the company Informatika d.o.o. received the Platinum...
SOC in energy sector event
On May 18, we gathered with our clients, partners and other stakeholders of the Slovenian electricity sector at an event on the topic of cyber and information security in the energy sector. At the beginning of the event participants were greeted by M.Sc. Jože Knavs,...
Committed to continuous improvement: INFORMATIKA successfully renewed the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certificates
The company INFORMATIKA d.o.o. has successfully renewed the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certificates for managing the quality and the information security systems. It expanded the scope of both systems to include the services of the cyber security operations center and the sales of information solutions.

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